Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finding a Pediatrican

Choosing a pediatrician is a vital role in preparing for the arrival of your little one. You should begin searching for a pediatrician in the final months of pregnancy and both parents should be present at the interview. Start your search for the perfect doctors by asking your friends and neighbors who have small children. You want to make sure that when interviewing a doctor, you feel as comfortable as possible. They should make you feel that all your questions are important. Remember, this person is going to be taking an important role in guarding your child’s health.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (404) 250-KIDS
Find a doctor through Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

Example questions to ask a pediatrician

What to do for teething babies

Teething babies can be especially fussy. While the tooth is pushing through and your baby seems to be in pain, try giving her or him a wet washcloth that has been soaked in ice cold water. Some babies enjoy chewing on cloth and the iciness of the cloth might relieve some of the pressure of the swollen gums. If your baby is still irritable, try giving him or her Infant Tylenol for the pain. Always check with you doctor to make sure that you give them the appropriate dosage.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

Information of baby pain releavers

YouTube - My Favorites

YouTube - My Favorites

How to choose a car seat

Most hospitals require that you have a properly installed car seat before you can take your baby home from the hospital. Choosing an appropriate car seat can be a difficult task because there are so many models to choose between; however, it is also a critical factor in the safety of your child. There are five basic car seats: rear-facing, forward facing, convertible, belt-positioning booster and car seat booster combo. I would recommend that before you purchase a car seat, you check out the consumer reports. After you make your purchase, take your car seat to your local fire station or police station and have them show you how to install the seat properly.




“Back to sleep” – Prevention of SIDS

One way to protect your little one when you bring them home from the hospital is to make sure that you are putting them to sleep on their backs with no blanket. Many new parents have a hard time sticking to this rule because their parents might disagree with putting the babies on their backs, or the parents might feel that their child is cold. I recommend bring the facts from your pediatricians office to both sets of grandparents and buying the Halo sacks offered at Babies “r” Us. These sleeper sacks provide the warmth of a blanket while not cluttering the crib.
